Marquess Tax, SDLT, Stamp Duty Land Tax

Stamp Duty Land Tax

Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT)

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Whether you’re a first-time buyer, property investor, or homeowner, understanding Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) is crucial to navigating the property market efficiently. Below, we’ve outlined everything you need to know about SDLT, including thresholds, payment calculations, potential reliefs and exemptions, as well as specific scenarios such as derelict properties, higher rates, and transfer of equity.

What is it?

SDLT is a tax levied on property transactions in England and Northern Ireland. It applies to both residential and commercial properties, including land and buildings. The amount payable depends on the property’s purchase price and whether any exemptions or reliefs apply.

Thresholds and Payment Calculation: How Much Do You Pay?

The threshold is where SDLT starts to apply. If you buy a property for less than the threshold, there’s no SDLT to pay, unless the property is residential and you are an investor.

The current SDLT thresholds are:

  • £150,000 for non-residential land and properties.
  • £250,000 for residential properties.
  • £425,000 for first-time buyers buying a residential property worth £625,000 or less.

Click here to use HMRC’s calculator*

*The calculator does not assist in classifying a property transaction or applying available relief claims. Please speak to us if you would like help with this.

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Frequently asked questions

Your questions answered

No, SDLT applies to properties in England and Northern Ireland. Scotland and Wales have their own property transaction taxes.

In some cases, you may qualify for multiple reliefs or exemptions, allowing you to maximise savings on SDLT. However, eligibility criteria vary, so it’s essential to assess each relief individually.

SDLT calculations can be complex, especially for non-standard transactions. Online calculators and professional advice can help you accurately determine your SDLT liability.

Late payment of SDLT may incur penalties and interest charges. It’s essential to submit SDLT returns and payments on time to avoid these additional costs.

Higher rates of SDLT may apply in certain circumstances, such as purchasing an additional property or buying as a non-resident. Understanding these higher rates is essential to budgeting effectively for your property investment.

Transferring equity in a property, whether through inheritance, divorce, or gifting, can have SDLT implications. It’s crucial to seek professional advice to ensure compliance with SDLT regulations and optimize your financial position.

SDLT legislation is subject to change, with updates and revisions introduced regularly by the government. Staying informed about the latest legislative developments ensures compliance and minimizes the risk of penalties or fines.

SDLT rules differ for non-residential and mixed land transactions, with separate thresholds and rates applicable. Whether you’re purchasing commercial premises or a property with both residential and commercial elements, understanding these distinctions is essential.

Various reliefs and exemptions are available to reduce SDLT liabilities in specific circumstances, such as first-time buyers’ relief, multiple dwellings relief (to be abolished from 1 June 2024), and property trader relief. 

At Marquess, we specialise in property tax solutions, leveraging expert knowledge to maximise tax savings while complying with UK tax laws and HMRC guidelines.

Our services cover residential and commercial property purchases, aiding investors and developers in portfolio restructuring.

Through thorough analysis, we identify tax relief opportunities in past or present transactions and advise on future tax-saving strategies.

With extensive experience in property transactions, we ensure sound legal support through our esteemed legal partners.

For tailored tax solutions, contact us at 01858414350 or email

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Expert Advice

Our expert advisers will review a proposed transaction to ensure that any available tax reliefs have been identified and are claimed correctly.

Practical Experience

We have comprehensive experience dealing all types of transactions and understand the practical implications and can help our clients to navigate common problems.

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